If you are looking for information on the RadioShack franchise business opportunity, Radio Shack franchises or RadioShack franchising, then you have come to the right place.
Take advantage of a big opportunity for your community by opening a RadioShack Dealer Franchise.
Intended for small, rural communities, the RadioShack Dealer Franchise program is a low cost investment with tremendous sales potential for your business. Your RadioShack franchise may be a store within your existing store, which means that many of the costs necessary to start a new franchise business may not exist.
RadioShack is a brand recognized by virtually everyone in the country. By placing a RadioShack sign on your storefront, your business benefits from instant recognition and a nationwide reputation for quality and customer service.
RadioShack: By The Numbers
The information presented may have changed since first published. We recommend that you always verify fees, investment amounts and offers with the business opportunity directly prior to making a decision to invest.