If you are looking for information on the Alexander International franchise business opportunity, Alexander franchises or Alexander International franchising, then you have come to the right place.
Our Organization has been in existence for more than four decades, (since 1966) as a private business, with diversified activities. Its Language Division (Alexander/Athena Language Schools, ALS) is now operating in more than 100 (one hundred) locations worldwide, as Foreign Language Schools teaching English and other languages.
At the Alexander/Athena Schools we teach all levels of English leading to Proficiency. Other languages are also taught.
The ages of students vary from 7 or 8 to 20 years old as well as adults/ businessmen in separate classes.
Traditional and modern methods are combined to create the best and fastest result possible, with emphasis on four skills, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Although, in general, we try to keep an international organizational and educational system, at times we have to adapt it to the local requirements and customize our language programs to suit the needs and demand in each country/area separately.
Courses in other European or Asian languages are also taught on demand.
We are seeking prospective franchisees to set up their own language schools for children and/or adults anywhere in the world.
Each franchisee uses our system, know-how, trade name/service mark/name, logos, etc, being their own boss and having complete control and independence in running their business according to our standards.
We are ready to grant territorial rights to the single unit or area/master franchisee.
The information presented may have changed since first published. We recommend that you always verify fees, investment amounts and offers with the business opportunity directly prior to making a decision to invest.